Burial Insurance and Obesity

burial insurance and obesity

Burial insurance and obesity might not seem like they are topics that are related. If you are considering a burial insurance policy and you are overweight, you will need to read on to learn about potential issues.

Obesity has been called America’s health crisis. Cases of obesity have been on the rise for the past ten years, with 100 million Americans classified as such in 2019. The numbers have been on a steady incline, prompting life insurance companies to make changes to ways premiums are calculated.


Can I Still Get Final Expense Insurance If I Am Overweight?

Yes, you can still qualify for a burial insurance policy if you are overweight or obese. Many health conditions are not going to disqualify you, however, there are some things to keep in mind. Being obese does put you at significant risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other ailments. Obesity can significantly limit your quality of life. You might experience joint pain, muscle tears, and other physical ailments because of being overweight.

With significantly increased risk factors, it is not surprising that final expense insurance premiums may be increased due to your obesity. To reduce these expenses, it would help to know the factors that lead to obesity and how to combat them.

Why Are So Many People Obese?

Everybody is different. Some are born with genetic predispositions to gaining weight. Others gain weight due to mental health conditions. Still others do not get the proper amount of exercise. Poor diets are another major factor contributing to obesity.

Large food producers use plenty of additives that also contribute to weight gain. When it comes to burial insurance and obesity, it is best to avoid items with high fructose corn syrup to help you lose weight and reduce your risk factors for diseases.

If you are or become obese, your chances of paying a high premium for your final expense insurance increase dramatically.

How Do I Know if I Am Obese?

There are plenty of ways to determine if you are obese or not. More recently, doctors rely on the Body Mass Index, or BMI. This is a number that takes your weight, height, and sex into consideration. You can use a BMI calculator online and get a fairly good idea if you are obese or not. However, it is always best to consult your physician when using this information to make healthcare related decisions.

Other signs that you may be obese include shortness of breath, increased sweating, snoring and difficulty with physical activity. Keeping aware of your body and how it behaves in different situations is key to knowing if you are overweight or not. If you still have questions, it is best to speak with a physician.

How Can I Lower My Burial Insurance Costs if I am Obese?

There are many steps to take if you want to decrease your burial insurance premiums. Increasing your physical activity is a good place to start. Begin by taking a short walk each day. Even an increase of just 20-30 minutes of your physical activity will greatly help in reducing your weight.

As you improve your activity levels, you will want to increase them. Be sure not to overexert yourself, but also be sure that you are breaking a sweat when exercising. Consult a doctor before taking on too much, as you could end up injured or worse.

Another way you can lose weight and reduce the cost of your funeral insurance is by eating a proper diet. If you have other health conditions, meet with a nutritionist that can assist you in eating foods that will help you lose weight safely.

Some general guidelines include avoiding sugary snacks and junk food. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty meats, and instead consume lean proteins like chicken and turkey. Fish is also a good source of protein. Many types of fish are rich in nutrients that promote heart health as well.

Download a calorie counter app on your phone to monitor your caloric intake and don’t exceed the recommended amount for your age, sex, and activity level. Burial insurance and obesity can both become manageable.

If you are obese and you are able to lose weight, you will be able to lock in a lower premium for your burial insurance. If you are obese and want to explore your final expense insurance options, a Benefit Choice Direct specialist can help you navigate the process and find you the right plan. Contact us today for a no obligation quote.

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